A Gap in your Smile

A gap in your smile can affect you physically and emotionally. You may struggle to talk and chew properly and lack confidence in your smile, causing you to limit your participation in professional and social events.

Dental implants are an innovative solution for replacing missing teeth and an excellent alternative to a dental bridge or removable partial and full dentures. They can be used to anchor a single crown, multiple missing teeth, and even a full arch of upper or lower teeth. But are dental implants safe? Free consultation at your local dental clinic can ease your concerns about the procedure.

Are Dental Implants Safe and Versatile for Missing Tooth Restoration? Here are the 11 Reasons Why.


  • Dental implant Surgery Has a High Success Rate

Like any other surgery, dental implant surgery can pose some risks like an infection at the site, but they are rare and simple to treat. If you are determined to be a good candidate for dental implant surgery, you can expect a success rate of 93-98%.

As long as you have enough jawbone to support the dental implant and are in good overall and oral health you can be a candidate for dental implant surgery.


Computer-Guided Implant Surgery for Precise Positioning 

At Available Dental Care, we use cone-beam CT scanning for guided dental implant surgery to ensure a successful outcome. This sophisticated piece of technology enables your dentist to see structures such as nerves, blood vessels, and sinuses which can be hidden from view.

The 3D scan also allows your dentist to assess the quality of your jawbone so they can precisely position each dental implant. This technology is especially advantageous when placing multiple dental implants.


Dental Implants are as Strong as Your Natural Teeth 

The dental implant is a small titanium screw that provides an anchor for artificial teeth. Dental implants are the only missing tooth solution that fuses with your jawbone to mimic a tooth root, therefore providing stability for your dental crown.


Dental Implants Preserve Your Jawbone

When you have a gap in your smile, the gum and jawbone are not stimulated so you experience jawbone recession. As your jawbone deteriorates your appearance looks more sunken and older.

Dental patient

 A dental implant stimulates your jawbone as you chew, preserving your smile and your facial structure.

Dental Implant Surgery is a Conservative Option 
Traditional fixed bridges require shaving and shaping of the healthy teeth adjacent to the gap in order to add crowns as anchors.

Dental implants are placed in the jawbone so your natural teeth are preserved.

Dental Implants are Biocompatible

Dental implants are made from biocompatible titanium which fuses with your jawbone. Titanium is non-toxic and non-allergenic. Titanium also belongs to a group of corrosion-resistant alloys so it has a protective layer of titanium dioxide that makes it hard for chemicals and water to penetrate.

Dental Implant Surgery with Minimum Pain

At Available Dental Care, we use a local anaesthetic during dental implant surgery, ensuring your comfort. For our nervous or anxious patients, we also offer nitrous oxide (happy gas) or IV sedation.

After your treatment, you may feel some minor discomfort which is easily manageable with over-the-counter medication.

High-quality Dental Implants

All Australian dentists are overseen by governing bodies such as The Dental Board of Australia that ensures they are using the highest-quality materials. So you never have to ask ‘are dental implants safe?’

Short Recovery Period

The recovery time following dental implant surgery varies by individual and the complexity of the surgery, but you can expect to be symptom-free within 5-7 days. The healing period can take from 3-6 months.

Long-lasting Solution for Missing Teeth

Dental implants do not get cavities or decay and because they have fused with your jawbone they do not become loose. As a result, they can last a lifetime with a good at-home oral hygiene routine and regular dental checkups.

The Dentist You Choose Matters

A well-trained dentist that offers free consultation and has the knowledge, skill, and experience, can improve the outcome of your dental implant surgery. As a finalist in the Campbelltown Business Awards for three consecutive years, a cutting-edge dental facility, and fantastic patient feedback, you can rest assured that your oral health is our priority.


The Takeaway

If you have ever wondered, ‘are teeth implants safe?’ The answer is an overwhelming yes when the surgery is performed by an experienced dentist using high-quality dental implants and state-of-the-art dental technology.

Although their initial cost is more than the alternatives, they are long-lasting and don’t have to be replaced every 5-10 years like other types of teeth replacement. At Available Dental Care, we accept a range of eligible health funds and offer HICAPS because we believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile.

Dental implants can help you love your smile again. For a free consultation near you, contact us on (02) 4062 8763.

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